Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hormones, chakras, health and consciousness

Going on a bit about hormones today, as it is becoming very clear to me how much the hormones and the glands that produce them are key components of health which are under attack from our modern lifestyle, both due to the increase in stress in our lives and in the increase in toxicity. Also the energies come in from the galactic core, trigger their own kind of physiological stress as the body adapts and changes to the major electromagnetic changes we are undergoing. This is not by chance, as the glands are all matched to a chakra, so as the energies stimulate the chakras to go to the next level, the matching glands will also come into play. In fact the endocrine glands are most directly connected to the chakra system. Hence as the chakra system is being triggered and stimulated, the glands ( and hence hormones) are directly impacted.

Conspiracy moment: the ptbs want our glands to overload and our chakras to fry, as this is the circuitry to higher consciousness within the body. The body is the hardware through which the higher consciousness flows and much of the unhealthy things going on in our world right now are not so much an attempt to kill us off but an attempt to keep us vibrating at a low frequency, so that we may not vibrate high enough to make a leap out of bondage. Hence the insane amount of toxicity allowed by the fda. And the insane amount of neurotoxins and psychopharmaceutical drugs that we are exposed to (mercury in vaccines being just one of them), impacting the nervous system, which is as the other system in the body which is directly connected to the chakra system and consciousness.

Summing things up: our glands and neuropathways are under attack from the ptbs and they are also overloaded by the changes we are naturally undergoing due to the solar cycle we are involved in. As such, taking care of hormonal health and nervous systems health (which often go hand in hand) is paramount at this time.

Over and out

much love


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