
Find here my interviews
about the Warrior Visionaries material, released as MP3 downloads and podcasts by the various hosts I have had the pleasure to play with the past 6 years.

Stay tuned for new interviews, but also check out old interviews as much material regarding light and dark polarity issues has been covered in depth here.

For those interested in the esoteric metaphysical aspect, both interviews with Mike Cavalli and Cariel covered a lot of foundational ground.

For those interested in the current affairs and mind control angle, check out the interviews with Robert Phoenix.

For those interested in the darker bottom of the well information, check out my latest shows with Dave Corso, Jeremy Perron and The Wolf Spirit Radio network and the shows with Chris and Sheree Geo on Truth Frequency Radio. And also now shows with Roger Sylver and Jamie Hanshaw and Freeman.

For those interested in just the metaphysical work, my interviews with Steve Nobel and Daniel Jacobs cover that angle.


To listen to our show Out of the Box live and join the chat room
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, 1pm-3pm PST


Archives of our show are on YouTube and also below.

Feel free to email me at to request me as a guest on your show



Shows from 2012 -2015

 - See my YouTube channel radio playlist below -

Katie's "Out of the Box" shows and other radio shows

Katie on Wolf Spirit Radio - Nov 26th 2011

Show with myself being interviewed by Dave Corso and Roger Sylver on  Wolf Spirit Radio network. A three hour show in which we talked about the dark aspect of the force, energy field clearing and other topics.

Part 1 - Katie Gallanti

Part 2 - Katie Gallanti


Katie on Ever Beyond /Wolf Spirit Radio - Oct 20th 2011

Show with myself being interviewed by Jeremy Perron on his Ever Beyond show, part of Dave Corso's Wolf Spirit Radio network. One hour show in which we talked about the externalization of satanic ritual in the music industry and Hollywood.

Externalization of Dark Ritual


Katie on Dave Corso's Wolf Spirit Radio - Oct 19th 2011

Show with myself being interviewed by Dave Corso, Roger Sylver on Dave Corso's Wolf Spirit Radio Network. Intense show in which we delved into the esoteric dark aspect that lies behind much of the issues we are dealing with today, including comments on the music industry, mind programming and how to counteract it

October 19th 2011 Show


Katie on David Corso's PIG2 Radio's Round Table - July 29th 2011

A talk with several guests, including myself and Rebecca Jernigan, on Dave Corso's PIG2 Round Table. We talked about dark energies, reptilian consciousness, reptilian depossession and dimensional shifts.

Katie on Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio – May 27th 2011
Tornadoes of Consciousness 
May 27th 2011 talk between myself, Katie Gallanti, and Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio. Main topics: detox and consciousness, current severe weather anomalies, weather modification, tornadoes, Japan typhoon, astrology of USA food and financial crisis, mind over matter, planetary healing, visualizations, meditations, light and dark, consciousness shift...

On YouTube: 
On Robert's Archives:

Katie on Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio – May 20th 2011
Music and the 60s: the Occult Story.  
May 20th 2011 talk between myself and Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Main topics: the 60s, the music industry, intelligence roots of 60s phenomena, connections with the occult, Charles Manson, Laurel Canyon, consciousness and more.

Katie on Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio – April 29th 2011
Royal Wedding: The Hidden Ritual 
April 29 2011 talk between myself and Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Main topics: possible occult meaning of Royal Wedding dates, harnessing energy through public ritual, counter ritual, thoughts on weather, solar shifts, Earth consciousness cycles, etc.


Katie on Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio – April 8th 2011
Discussing the Solar Shift
April 29 2011 talk between myself and Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Main topics: solar shifts, Earth consciousness cycles. Our join talk starts on hour 2.

Katie on Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio – March 18th 2011
Japan and Solar Consciousness Shifts

My interview with Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio , talking about Japan, consciousness shifts, my psychic astral experiences as a planetary energy worker, light dark esoteric issues, distortions of spiritual belief systems, etc. The show is two hours long, but you will find me as a guest in the last 75 minutes of the show.

Katie on Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio – Jan 31st 2011
The Energy of Protest
My interview with Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Find the link to the 1 hour show here, with Robert and I discussing the situation in Egypt, uprisings around the world and movements in consciousness…

Katie on Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio – Dec 2nd 2010
My interview with Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Find the link to the 1 hour show here (lots of static and some people can only download this show with Itunes- we had a lot of interference and obstacles getting this show on the air)

Katie on Robert Phoenix’s Free Association Radio – Oct 10 2010
Bridging the Light Dark Gap
My interview with Robert Phoenix on Free Association Radio . Find the link to the 2 hour show here:

Katie on Daniel Jacob’s Reconnections Radio – Sept 21 2010
Metaphysical Chit Chat with Daniel Jacob
My interview with Daniel Jacob on Reconnections Radio . Find the link to the 2 hour show here:

Katie on PIG Radio  _ July 29th 2010
A Talk about Consciousness
My interview with Jeremiah Duncan  from PIG Radio. We talked about the nature of light and dark, the dark as catalyst for growth, multidimensionality, the pineal gland, meditation, etc. A guided meditation process for awakening the pineal gland in connection with the Source light was also included.  For the full interview, you can listen on YouTube here

Katie on Heartlink Life Radio _ July 4th 2010
The Oil Spill and the Earth Grid
My interview with Cariel Quinly from Heartlink Life Radio on our current reality – oil spill, global elite, Earth Grid Wars, power-sites, 2012, light & dark clash, occult and spiritual aspects of what is going on, ritual, consciousness, ascension, life/death, collective story, the Soul’s journey, humanity’s evolution, Atlantis and more.

Katie on Vitalis News Radio _ April 2010
Atlantis and Humanity's Cycles
My interview with Mike Cavalli from Vitals News Radio, UK on  Atlantis; light and dark in Atlantis and today; collective karmic cycles; humanity’s evolution; the consciousness shift then and today; collective lightwork techniques; empowerment and enlightened activism.

Katie on Vitalis News Radio _ January 2010
The Dark and Collective Evolution
My interview with Mike Cavalli from Vitals News Radio, UK on the nature of light and dark polarity clash we are currently experiencing here on Earth; collective evolution cycles; the role of the dark side in evolution of consciousness; the demonic and exorcism; our role today in counteracting dark scenarios that we would rather not see manifest.

Katie on Heartlink Life Radio – December 2009
The Metaphysics of Light and Dark
My interview with Cariel Quinly from Heartlink Life Radio on light dark, the power that be; metaphysics /energy work for shifting collective energy. In closing a collective lightwork meditation by me and EFT techniques by Cariel for shifting personal fear.


Katie on Magical People - June 2009

Being a Planetary Lightworker

My podcast interview with Steve Nobel, Director of London’s Alternatives, author of Freeing the Spirit and the Prosperity Game, on the role of the lightworker in a time of collective shift from dark to light.