Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Hormones, chakras, health and consciousness
Going on a bit about hormones today, as it is becoming very clear to me how much the hormones and the glands that produce them are key components of health which are under attack from our modern lifestyle, both due to the increase in stress in our lives and in the increase in toxicity. Also the energies come in from the galactic core, trigger their own kind of physiological stress as the body adapts and changes to the major electromagnetic changes we are undergoing. This is not by chance, as the glands are all matched to a chakra, so as the energies stimulate the chakras to go to the next level, the matching glands will also come into play. In fact the endocrine glands are most directly connected to the chakra system. Hence as the chakra system is being triggered and stimulated, the glands ( and hence hormones) are directly impacted.
Conspiracy moment: the ptbs want our glands to overload and our chakras to fry, as this is the circuitry to higher consciousness within the body. The body is the hardware through which the higher consciousness flows and much of the unhealthy things going on in our world right now are not so much an attempt to kill us off but an attempt to keep us vibrating at a low frequency, so that we may not vibrate high enough to make a leap out of bondage. Hence the insane amount of toxicity allowed by the fda. And the insane amount of neurotoxins and psychopharmaceutical drugs that we are exposed to (mercury in vaccines being just one of them), impacting the nervous system, which is as the other system in the body which is directly connected to the chakra system and consciousness.
Summing things up: our glands and neuropathways are under attack from the ptbs and they are also overloaded by the changes we are naturally undergoing due to the solar cycle we are involved in. As such, taking care of hormonal health and nervous systems health (which often go hand in hand) is paramount at this time.
Over and out
much love
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Superbowl, Whitney and the Grammys: A Three Part Ritual
Mark Dice, the guy who used to call all radio hosts asking suspect guests to talk about Bohemian Grove, gets the picture about the three part ritual being played out during the past week. Mark's skanky references aside (Nicki is just as much a victim of this as are the listeners. I am pretty convinced she is an MK), the boys have indeed been busy.
First the satanic Superbowl, with the invoking of the Goddess via handler and High Priestess Madonna, the initiation of Nicki Minaj and MIA and black mass sing along invocation of Lucifer. Then we have the ritual blood sacrifice of Whitney Huston, to energize the ritual of the Grammys (those that know how all this works, spotted this one immediately). Then the ceremony of the Grammys itself, where a very creepy tribute to Whitney was carried out by Jennifer Hudson under a pyramid of white light (all seeing eye symbolism) followed by Nicki Minaj's "coming out" performance for Roman Zolanski.
Lets take a look at the Grammys first. The Whiteny tribute. I say creepy because it is very odd that they would choose to dress Jennifer so that she looked like a bad copy of Whitney.
The tribute was followed by Nicki Minaj's performance, which was overtly satanic. First of all, Nicki has been talking for some time about her "possession" by the "boy" named Roman Zolanski. While it is clear that Nicki has split personalities and alters, she explains herself during an interview, that Roman was "conjured". Roman is a demonic/astral that was ritually conjured so that it could work through Nicki, not an alter ego.
Also often they make reference to Roman Zolanski in the same sentence as Slim Shady. Nicki says in one her interviews for example..." Roman... Roman has gone to play with Slim Shady". Slim Shady is the demonic being that is in possession of Emminem. When one sells ones Soul, seems one acquires on of these demonics as part of the deal, so they can occupy the premises and run the show. They often write the songs and lyrics too. The dark side has its own version of channeling. Watch "The Music Industry Exposed" for more information on this topic, a video series which is essential for understanding much of what is going on under the label of entertainment.
So Roman is a demonic being and Nicki tells us that the Grammy performance was his coming out party. See link to her stating this in her post Grammy interview here. None of this is hidden: they are TELLING you, what they are doing. They have to, its part of their belief system that they have to do so, so they can be exonerated from the karma. Their thinking is: they told you, so the responsibility is yours if you dont take action. They are really quite smug also about how much they tells us and how much we still do not see. So here you are being told that this was a ritual, that Nicki is possessed and that this was the coming out party of the astral critter that lives inside her. Pay attention.
Also note that during Nicki's performance ritual, two of the darkest demonic movies of all time were called into play: The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby. The Exorcist was a movie in which a real astral doorway was opened, allowing for a very large demonic to come through. Bad stuff happened on that set, and as an intuitive that can see things, this is a movie I had trouble watching. In fact, when I re-watched it, several years ago, I interacted with the demonic they were calling through ...it was not pretty and one of the darkest entities I have had the displeasure to encounter. Many horror movies are just excuses to open doorways and download dark beings into the earth plane. Something else we have been conditioned to think is fun.
The name Roman itself refers to Roman Polansky, and while Mark Dice nails it that this is the name of a famous pedo-satanist, most likely Roman Polansky was framed for not playing the game all the way. They are all pedo-satanists and most of them don't get caught. If he got caught, it is because there was a score to settle or something to silence. However the choice of Roman Zolanski for the name of Nicki Minaj's "boy" is still significant, as Roman P. was the director of Rosemary's Baby, a movie about tricking a mortal woman into birthing the son of Lucifer himself, played in the movie by nobody less but a hooded Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan.
The movie Rosmary's Baby was also filmed in the Dakota Hotel, where John Lennon was subsequently killed. And was connected to another blood sacrifice, that of a pregnant Sharon Tate, wife of Roman Polanski, who was killed (sacrificed most likely for the advancement of Roman's career) by Susan Atkins and the Charles Manson family. With Charles Manson claiming he was instructed to carry out the killings by the lyrics of a Beatles song. The Beatles being a Tavistock creation, with many occult connections, and probably the first experiment in shaping a generation via mass media music programming. And Manson being most definitely a possessed one, carrying out hits on behalf of the boys and most likely MK programmed himself. It is very likely the Beatle's lyrics were his "trigger". Listen to last year's show with Robert Phoenix plus myself on FAR radio to go deeper on the topic of the 60s music, Roman P., Manson and more.
Now that we have connected these dots, you can begin to see that none of this is random. It is not by chance that Nicki's demon is called Roman and that his coming out party had exorcist and possession movie themes. We are being show the quality of the energy coming through, which is top of the food chain dark. The Superbowl Ritual, amongst other things, initiated Nicki; a blood sacrifice was then carried out with the demise of Whitney; and now the demonic that works through Nicki is out in the open to play. And as usual everybody cheers and claps. "What an original performance! She has a major in theater, wow!" ...Know that even this is mind control, as people have been conditioned for a while now to believe that all this dark crap that is being foisted upon us is art.
The dark ritual posing as art trend started with Gaga. And it continues on. Unfortunately people have become so dumbed down that they don't really know what real art is any more. And even said dumbing down is by design. See Education 2000 references in Tranceformation of America for the details of that plan. The dumbing down of America and Europe has been on the agenda at least since the early 80s.
A side note. Singing in her alter voices is Nicki Minaj's trademark. She signs as Barbie. She sings as her mother-alter Martha. As the faerie-godmother-alter. And even as a child-alter at times. Aside form this being a clear MK signature, we are being conditioned to believe that it is "fun" to have multiples. And normal. We are being conditioned to accept the splitting of the psyche as hip. Just like we are being conditioned that it is hip to be a hoe. That it is hip to make dark art. To care only about sex, fame and money. That it is hip to be part machine or part computer (transhumanist agenda). And that soldiers, war and riot police are sexy.
If you think this elite sponsored music is harmless, think again. If you can see through it, the spell is broken. But imagine being young and impressionable. This is NOT programming you want in your young one's heads. Especially when it also allows for the opening of astral/4D/5D doorways, that allow much invasion by nasty energies.
A few years ago, a young teen came to me who was suffering of bipolar and hearing voices. Her grandma brought her to me as she was having trouble staying on her meds and was wondering if I could help her. After talking to her for a bit, it comes out that just before she started experiencing symptoms for the first time, around 11 years old, she had carried out a ritual during which she had sold her soul to you know who. She said she got the idea from a TV Show and thought it may be a cool thing to do, that would give her powers. She was not sure if it worked, so she repeated the ritual several times. Very soon after that the symptoms started and she was diagnosed. Voices included. Coincidence. I think not.
Young people are impressionable. And they do silly things out of the innocence of not knowing. The boys know this. Which is part of why music is as it is right now. We need to learn to see what is put in front of us. And we then need to learn to say no to what is being planted in our mind and energy. We need to acknowledge the game being played, so we can counteract it. Lets ask Source/Primary Creator that all the dark energies that were invited without the free will consent of humanity, into the Earth plane this week be cleared and removed. And the effects of these rituals reversed to the degree that is for the highest good of all. That is a good place to start.
That will be all for now
Much love
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Google: Privacy Policy Profiling and The Future of the Web
Google is grouping all its services under one privacy policy. That is all of your information, every search you make on Google, all the videos you watch on YouTube, every blog post or comment you make on Blogger (such as this blog), every entry you make on Google Plus, every email you send or receive via G Mail, etc. will all come under one handy umbrella...handy for Google, that is. They try to make it look as this is convenient for you, but lets be clear: its for them and the large powers that are behind Google. Google CEOs are regular attendees at the Builderberg meetings. Like Facebook, Google is the digital face of the Machine.
Yes, from now on all of the information about you and your online Google related activities will be stored in one place under your Google name/account. Basically, if you use a Google service you will be profiled. Now, this was, of course, happening anyway. Now however they are putting it out there in the open. They are telling you in their terms of service and if you use any Google services, you are, by default, agreeing to this new privacy policy....user profiling. That is they are now doing it with your permission. By using any Google product you are signing on the dotted line.
Google says to privacy advocates that one can always cancel their account or not use Google products. However this would mean that people who are not on board with the profiling , like many activists, should no longer use Blogger, no longer use YouTube, which is where much of the " info-war" takes place. This is another clever way to deter people from being "active" online. This is an intimidation tactic, to make people feel watched. You don't need a law to stop people from posting controversial truths on the web. You can just make people feel very uncomfortable and exposed. Many may think twice about having a Blog or Google account or YouTube page, for privacy reasons.
This and other changes being made to YouTube that are causing non corporate video uploaders to lose viewers and subscriptions (see new YouTube design debate), are all sideways maneuvers to change the way people see the web. Many of us use the web as the main place where to post and gather information. The PTW's don't like this and have been maneuvering for some time for a new web that is highly monitored, controlled and no longer anonymous. Anonymity being at the very basis of the free speech atmosphere of much web debate. Also they want it to be a place for corporate business and big media only. They really don't like the citizen journalism of the past decade or so. Its been a major pain in their backside. We have been effective.
On the same vein, after the Megaupload debacle, many sites that share free media have been self regulating. The fear of copyright infringement is already in the air, even without the copyright bill passing. A torrent site I visited today had voluntarily shut its doors and on the only remaining page it said "2005-2012. It was good while it lasted". Other file sharing sites I used on occasion have virtually shut down. While it is understandable that big media is lobbying to protect its commercial interests and there is a genuine need for limitations on digital theft, we all know copyright its not what this is all about. Its about finding more legal pretext for the control, restriction and monitoring of information. Already copyright infringement is used as a way to shut down unwanted YouTube channels. Imagine what will happen when this extends to everything one does on the web.
Know that the next move is going to be the introduction of a Internet ID Card, which can be revoked for infractions, real or fabricated. We can see this even in the original version of ACTA, the Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, which has been object of private international meetings between gvt representatives from various nation states for the last few years. The original ACTA documents had a three strikes and you are out policy, where three instances of "suspected" copyright infringement were all that was needed for someone to be blacklisted and lose internet surfing rights. "Suspected" being the operative word as proof was not required, although it could be discussed after the fact in a court of law. Guilty until being proven innocent. Its the new way. And to enforce this, all computer activity would have to be monitored.And people would only be able to access the web with ID cards.
Expect more bills like PIPA and SOPA to gradually be pushed through, as the various items of the original ACTA are pushed forward one small morsel at a time. Which is a very clever technique, by the way, as most people are not aware of the bigger picture implications when things are broken down in small separate items in this way. But lets be clear that all the changes happening with Google, Facebook, MySpace a few years back, YouTube, etc, as well as all the new laws that will be coming are just a way to gradually shut down the web as we know it, one little piece at a time, so we don't protest too much or don't notice, as the web as is is a major chink in the armor to the big kahunas.
The web is one of the biggest tools we have for change, aside from energy work. It keeps us connected as a collective human group consciousness and it is the tool via which we keep each other informed, instantly, in the moment. While it was set up to be just another programming and monitoring tool, a way to keep tabs and shape the collective herd, we have used it in counter-intuitive ways to those they were expecting and it has backfired. It has moved many of us away from the TV and together we have discovered that maybe we are not so dumbed down after all. In fact, it appears that we humans, when we have all the information and we work as a team, are remarkably smart and resourceful. Regulating web access, monitoring all web activity, making the web corporate on the other hand is an NWO's wet dream. Let's not allow it to happen. Do your research and read up, while you still can, and make your voice heard.
Oh...and in closing...notice how in the video clip above , the usual controlled fake debate is presented. The opposing views are presented, but the lawyer holding the view against web monitoring presents the argument that this is bad as his wife may catch him watching a Victoria Secret site. The true debate about freedom of speech and freedom of thought (as search engines pieced together can truly give an idea of what we are thinking about most of the time) is skipped all together. This is typical of how information of this kind is presented. The kind of viewer that is susceptible to programming (and there are more, unfortunately, than one may think), will come away from watching this news segment thinking that all privacy advocates are just people trying to sneak around doing bad things and blocking the tide of progress.
Pay attention to this trend in the months ahead, as the war for the web is on. And lets start thinking laterally for solutions and alternatives.
Much love
Katie Gallanti
Monday, February 6, 2012
Madonna Super Bowl Ritual
This is a ritual. During the first phase, lots of roman symbolism, Egyptian symbolism and Baphomet symbolism. Most are versed in the last two, so wont go into much detail on those.
Fascis- the root of the word fascism, is a Latin term that refers to the Roman symbol of power. This is the image of the Fascis, which with the ax, also indicated the power of life or death of he who holds it. Just like Hitler carried with him the mythology of the power of the roots of the German heritage, Mussolini carried with him the mythology of ancient Rome, as a way to bring the people together, wanting Italians to return to their ancient sense of national pride.
Mussolini saw Italians as Romans, or at least that was the program being installed. This was also a way to invoke ancient symbolism and to bring people together in a "dark" ritual fashion at the time. Both Hitler and Mussolini did this, with rallies that had the crowds cheering and drunk with excitement over symbols of a glory past. A little like in this video, which feels very much like we are back in ancient Rome looking at "The games" in the Colosseum. In fact the Super Bowl is very much a modern version of "The games". Interesting that, even at the time, "The games" were the way in which the empire distracted its people from the problems of its time. Worked then, works now. Nothing new here huh?
When we see this mythology invoked, many layers of power symbolism are being conjured. Beyonce has been wearing Roman symbolism often of late in videos, embodying a dark aspect of the roman goddess energy. There is a video recently in which she wears a roman commander's head dress. That was not by chance. She is embodying this energy for a ritualistic purpose. Many Goddess energies from the dark pantheon are being invoked in this Super Bowl ritual, Isis being quite a noticeable one. Many Egyptian references also in this performance and multiple Baphomet head gear present, both on Madonna and the dancers.
Also, if you have followed other performances by Madonna you will know that she is high priestess chief handler and that one of her job is to initiate the MKs. Seems here that the initiation is for Nicki Minaj and MIA.
And if you are paying attention, while the ladies are dancing, you will see on the floor at some point a diamond. Diamond is a level of programming in jewel mind control programming, the highest level in fact. There was a video last year that suggested that Beyonce was undergoing this programming (in the video she has a diamond in her mouth and many other jewel MK symbols). Now it seems to be MIA and Nicki's turn. Nicki Minaj also here is singing as Roman Zolanski, who is her "possessed" alter, by her own admission. Will post a link to this later. Just like Madonna passed the torch to Britney and Christina a few years ago, here she seems to be letting the world know of the status of these two MKs. They are moving up in some sort of diamond initiation and this is their ceremony.
Also the closing of this video is nothing but a ceremony of worship to Lucifer. Notice the black and white masonic duality dress code of the "priests" and the black robes of the male and female high priests (Madonna and whoever the other person is). Not much else to say here aside from listen to the words of the song being sang.
The end flash to World Peace is a brain scramble. After flashing war imagery and empire imagery to you for ten minutes they close the ritual by telling you that this is all about World Peace. War is Peace. Empire is Order. The New Order of Peace comes via the Empire.
Also remember that presenting you with opposites is a programming technique. When the brain is given two overlapping opposites it dissociates slightly and it becomes programmable. The first part of this dance is a energy conjuring ritual and an initiation, the last frame however is programming for the masses. The Empire is coming and you are going to think its about peace and you will accept it.That's the program being installed here.
There have been many other performances like it. Beyonce dancing with the police in riot gear last year comes to mind. Lady Gaga dancing amongst Nazi symbolism and machine guns in the neo concentration camps in her video Aljandro, is another. Rihanna doing the sexy in combats and riding a tank in Mickey Mouse ears is another.Will post links to these later also.
The fact that people are going nuts over this performance is very sad. If you know what you are watching, you know that this is a ritual in which energy is being harvested to be used for the slaughter and enslavement of the very people who are cheering. Its like cattle being entertained on their way to the slaughter house with catchy tunes, without realizing that the tune is like a tranq dart to keep them distracted and cooperative as they walk to their demise. Someone needs to tell them whats up ;-)
In closing. No matter how many rituals performed, the friendly opposition will not be successful. The timelines are actually not evolving in their favor. But, its still interesting to see them try and to expose the mechanisms behind the effort, even if just as a historical record of our times.
If however all this is flying over your head, know that it is never too late to wake up ;-) lol
Much love
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